Saturday, May 5, 2012


Sorry, I know I'm totally slacking the past week or two with this blog! (Sorry!)  So...let's talk about being 27.

My birthday was this past Thursday and it was fantastic! Minus the fact that I had to work the night before so I didn't get home until 6am. But, that is what it is...I did say I turned 27, not 5. So, that's that. For the most part it was a pretty normal day around here. But I had some, "I'm not too old" fun!

 I spent three hours coloring my hair. By the time I was finished I felt like I should take a third shower.  Did I forget to mention it was 87* out on Thursday and we do not have central air?  It was so horribly warm in my bathroom.  Well worth it though!

 Went to dinner with my boys, my parents and my sister in law.  It was a lot of fun! Don't mind this picture, my parents like to make fun of us by "comparing tans."  
Kind of a bad picture, but Tim and Colton got me these "Love Birds" earrings.  Love them! 

Stoli wearing her new back pack which Tim bought for me for when I take the dogs for walks.  I read somewhere that this gives them a sense of purpose. Like they're fullfilling a job. In this picture she appears to be a little defeated by it all. Hopefully she'll grow to enjoy it.

My mother and I. 

"Dear Old Dad"

My wonderful husband. 

My favorite person in the entire world. Bad picture of me but it's an awesome picture of Colton! 

So, that is what I did on my birthday.  

Monday I'll have something more fabulous to blog, I promise! 

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