About Holly

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50 things you need to know about Holly.....or do you?

  1. No, I was not born in December..... My birthday is May 3rd.
  2. I went to a private. Catholic school through middle school and then was transferred to the largest public high school in my town.  Culture shock!!
  3. I have one younger brother, an older half sister and an older half brother.  Being both the oldest and the middle child set me for a great psyche! :P
  4. I have two children.
  5. Colton was born April 25, 2003.  He is incredibly smart, witty and outspoken.  He never ceases to amaze me.
  6. Skyler Grace was still born on December 22, 2006.  She is mommy's little guardian angel.
  7. My husband and I met in 2005 in an Iowa AOL chat room.
  8. We spent two years as best friends before we started dating in 2007.
  9. Within one month we went from friends to dating to living together, to being engaged. 
  10. I knew my husband was my forever within the first two phone calls we had.  It just took two years for both of us to be ready for forever.
  11. We got married December 7, 2009.
  12. We currently have 4 dogs. (Stoli, Bear, Cash and Sway).
  13. All of our dogs were rescued in one way or another. 
  14. We have fostered over 18 dogs in the past year and a half. However, we no longer have the time that it takes to foster with our busy schedules.
  15. We have been actively trying to conceive off and on since October 2007.
  16. I was diagnosed with PCOS in 2007. My body produces too much testosterone.
  17. I have battled within myself about my desire to have more children.  In a sense of, "If God wills it, it will happen" versus, I need to take fertility medication in order for it to happen.
  18. I am a horrible Mt Dew addict.  Caffeine, the enemy of TTC w PCOS, I know, I know.
  19. I have a lot of reptiles.  Several snakes, two bearded dragons, a tegu and a tokay gecko.
  20. In 2010 I graduated with an Associate's degree in Criminal Justice, in January 2012 I finished a Bachelor's degree in Criminal Justice and Forensic Psychology.
  21. I am hoping to pursue law school through Concord University to earn a law degree and open my own practice in Animal Rights.
  22. I love body art.  I have 12 tattoos and 6 piercings (not including my ears).  My ear lobes are currently stretched out to 00g.  I don't think I'll be pushing them any further.
  23. I think it is hilarious that people see my piercings and gauges as a sign of immaturity.  As if I cannot run a gas station register with facial piercings in.  You are right, corporate world, it may set a bad example and be inappropriate on the east side of this shit hole town!
  24. My husband and I both have hyphenated last names. (By his decision, no coaxing by me.) It was a decision we came to because my son has my last name and we feel that this is his primary home, his primary family. We did not want him to feel unimportant or not included.  So this way it's more like Colton and I brought Tim into our family rather than my just joining his.
  25. Having two last names makes paper work a lot more difficult.
  26. I characterize myself as an alcoholic. Am I an alcoholic? I guess it depends on your definition but I can tell you this... my life has been a million times better since I quit drinking in July of 2010.
  27. I believe that breed specific legislation is unconstitutional and I will spend the rest of my life fighting for dog owner's constitutional rights.
  28. I always ask for other people's opinions before I make decisions, however, I usually argue with them about their opinion first.
  29. I moaned and complained about my hair being so short for so long and now all I do is put it in a pony tail which makes it look short!
  30. I'm indecisive.
  31. I used to have really bad social anxiety. To the point that I didn't talk to anyone all the way through my associate's degree.  Working with dogs and dog rescue has really brought me out of my shell and given me a reason to talk to everyone.
  32. My family is very important to me.  Everything I do, I do first and foremost as a mom and a wife, then as Holly.
  33. There is always music playing at my house.  I listen to almost every type of music.
  34. My favorite movies are romantic comedies and 1980's teeny boppers.
  35. My all time favorite movie is Breakfast Club.
  36. I have an obsession with Criminal Minds.
  37. I would like to have two more children back to back.
  38. I could very easily live off of peanut butter and strawberry jelly sandwiches for the rest of my life.  
  39. If I think you're wrong, I'm going to tell you.
  40. I don't always speak up, so when I do you know it's important.
  41. I will stand up for what I believe in even if no one is standing next to me.
  42. Sometimes people ask me if I am feeling okay or if I'm sick..... no, I enjoy wearing sweats, no make up and a pony tail thanks! 
  43. There are two things I will not argue with people about.... politics and religion.  Look for someone else to compete with.
  44. If it doesn't benefit my family, it's not happening.
  45. I have a hard time saying no to people close to me.  Subconsciously I fear that I will disappoint them if I don't do what they ask.
  46. When I was a child I wanted to be a surgeon and in high school I wanted to join the military.
  47. I am very liberal when it comes to parenting.  I do things my own way and allow my son a lot of self expression.  Some people disagree but I say, as long as he is respectful, he should be allowed to say and do things his own way.
  48. The majority of the pictures you will see of me are all taken from weird angles because I have to take them myself. I'm always the one taking the pictures.  No one thinks to take pictures when I'm doing something. :P
  49. There will never be a scale in my house.  The goal will always be healthy not thin!
  50. When all else fails...dance it out!

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