Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Day 2, cycle 2.

I am not sure if it is because I'm now a lot more active because of my job or what but this is the second cycle I've had in two months.  You read that right.... two in two months! Two days shot of being dead on from last month. And no medicine taken. :)

I do have to say, after a year with no cycles and just laying low.... I don't remember my ovaries hurting so badly! Last weekend I was having waves of pain so I decided to take a pregnancy test worrying about a tubal pregnancy.  Of course it was negative....they're always negative. (Apparently so am I, lol.) Then I hit day 1 so I figure after 1 year of laying dormant my organs are like a rusted machine squeaking inside. Lovely imagery isn't it?

Either way, rusted out or not..... I'm celebrating! I have never in my life had two cycles back to back without being on birth control or Cloumid.  If you don't have pcos or infertility issues you're probably thinking.... "Uhm okay..." and rolling your eyes right now.  But, for a woman that has been ttc for 5 years and has been one and off fertility medications...this is a small victory! Or, a great big shinning sign from my higher power.

Now that the ball is rolling...bring on days 12 through 15!!

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