Friday, April 6, 2012

My Hair's Responsibility

I have a strange relationship with my hair and my nails. For whatever reason I have placed upon them the responsibility of making me "feel like me."  Let me say that, my physical appearance will NEVER define who I am or what I am. However, I like to think that my outward appearance is how I give my personality a visual appearance.

Before Colton was born I had really long hair.  After he was born it was too much work to deal with everyday so I cut it all off.  In the past nine years I have let it grow and then cut it off again so many times I've lost count. I usually let it start growing and once I can't do anything with it anymore that's when I chop it off.

Last August, right before my brother's wedding, I decided it would be easier to chop all of my hair off then to try to do something with it for the wedding.

August, 2011

At first I hated it.  But then when I realized how much I did not have to do to my hair in the morning... I loved it! But I promised my husband that I would grow it back out at least as little bit. So I've decided not to  cut my hair until August of this year.  I cannot even trim my hair because I know that as soon as I go to the salon, my butt hits the chair and the girl says, "What do you want to do today?"  

My answer is going to be: "Chop it all off!"

So, now here I am itching to change my hair and do something to get out of my funk.  I swore I was not going to cut it so last week....
I bleached it.

Actually I bleached it twice.  That picture is after the first hour.  That was fun for a few days but then I decided I didn't want to be blonde anymore.  Or maybe I just couldn't find my groove with it.  I've always had dark hair.  In fact I've died my hair the same box color black every few weeks for the past 5 years.  It had become my security blanket.  So yesterday, on absolutely no sleep from the day before I made another drastic change....

My husband said, "It's like having an affair.  I never know what "Holly" I'm going to come home to." 
My mother said, "That'll be great for law school!"  Well mom, law school is online.  I could attend seminars naked if  I wanted and no one would notice! :P 

So there you have it! Fun with hair dye, breaking out of my "rut" and doing something different for once. 

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