Monday, March 19, 2012

Scary Mommy Moment

Yesterday I had a very scary mommy moment.  Since Colton is almost nine I would think by now I would have had many more of these moments than I actually have had.  When he was two he split his chin open, resulting in three stitches and when he was 7 he fell and cut his eye brow open which ended in 6 stitches.  I was there when he split his chin open and it freaked me out but not as much as yesterday's incident.

This weekend I went out of town for a "girls weekend" shopping with my mom, aunts and grandma so I missed my two year old nephews birthday party.  When I got home yesterday I went right out to get him a present and picked up Colton.  We went over to my sisters and I figured we would be there for many 10 minutes.  Figuring that my nephew was probably napping and that my sister was probably busy with her "Sunday fun day" chores.

Colton has a very small attention span.  Asking him to sit quietly or just to be still is pretty  much in one ear and out the other.  He is always on the go.  So it didn't take long for Colton to convince my niece to go outside and play basketball. My sister and I were just chit chating away and laughing at my ever giggly nephew and his funny facial expressions when there was an urgent knock on the door.

My sister called out, "Who is it?"
"Just come on in!"
......."It's Colton with a bleeding head!"

Enter the precise moment when my heart drops into my stomach.

We ran to the door to see Colton with his face covered in blood.  Dripping from his eye lashes, off his chin, his entire face, red.  A sight that I was not prepared for.  The scariest mommy moment ever.    Insert panic.

I immediately reached back inside for my shoes and my sisters boyfriend says, "What's going on?"

"We're going to the ER!"

On the way to hospital he says to me, "Can I say a bad word right now?"  I gave him the okay and he says, "Good because this hurts like shit!"  I couldn't help but laugh.  Once in the hospital the registration lady asked him if it hurts and he nodded but then when she walked out of the little room he rolled his eyes and threw his hands up saying, "Are you kidding me? What a stupid question, of course it hurts!!"  Leave it to my son to tell it like it is!

Heads sure do bleed a lot.  All in all he only ended up with one staple. The doctor said he didn't really need the staple and that it would close on its own in a few days. So he gave us a choice of whether or not to put a staple in. But, I know my son and I know that it would get reopened while he played outside or he would not let me clean it because open wounds and shampoo do not mix well.  So, I finally talked him into the staple.  (With the help of my husband and his dad's dad.)  I couldn't look while the doctor put it in.  It only took a second but it was a second of scary mommy moment that I couldn't bare to watch.  Afterwards Colton agreed that it was much easier and less painful than any stitches could possibly be.

Here's what happened: Apparently he had the idea to try to slam dunk the basketball from behind the hoop.  He was standing on the back brackets so when he jumped,  he slipped and landed on his stomach bringing the hoop down with him as it landed on his head.

Not the exact hoop but you get the idea.

If I never have to see my kid hurt like that again I will be eternally grateful.  Although I am sure this is just the beginning.  There will be broken bones, many band-aids and many more stitches.

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