Saturday, March 24, 2012

Calm in a Storm

Well, it's been a couple of days!  There you go Angie I cooled it off for a day or two. Ha ha!

I've been thinking a lot lately about how things are going and I have to say..... give or take... things are going great!  This is the most content, and at peace I have felt in a very long time.  We are all healthy, my husband and I both have pretty good jobs. (Not dream jobs by any means, but jobs we like and that make $) Everything seems to have slowly fallen into place when I wasn't looking or freaking out about it.

Besides just physical health and finances, it is amazing to feel so at peace with myself.  I used to be very worried about what other people thought about me and I felt odd in my own skin.  But lately I have felt so great. I think, at almost 27, I'm finally coming into my own.  All of the baggage that I carried around with me from the past, especially issues with Colton's dad.... I have laid it all down and stepped away from it. I no longer have time to worry about what anyone else is or isn't doing. My sole outlook and concentration has been on my family and myself.

1 comment:

  1. you rock, holly! i'm glad you're finally seeing in yourself what others see in you all the time! :)
